
Koda izdelka #: 9BCFSH

27,78 €

Dodatki za dodaten učinek v vodnem stolpu.

Več pisanih rib različnih vrst, ki se povzpnejo na vrh in se nato spet spustijo na dno vodnega stolpa. Ribe gredo v dno stolpa, nato gredo vse do vrha in nato spet v dno, da se spet povzpnejo na vrh.
Dodatne informacije
  • Dimenzije: Velikost: 5cm

2 Mnenja

Paul D.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 13/09/19
Nice fish but overpriced. Pricey shipping too.
Shannon L.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 17/12/17
The product is fine - it works for what I needed it for, to float in our bubble tube, though I felt it was not a good value for what you get. Including shipping, I paid $26 for 8 small plastic fish (about 1.5 - 2 inches in length). In my opinion, they should either provide a lot more fish, or reduce the price.