Mali Wiggly Giggly
Koda izdelka #: 9WIGIS
15,70 €
Žoga, katere notranjost je napolnjena z "živo" miško. Pri kotaljenju miška v žogi prijetno zacvili.
Žoga, katere notranjost je napolnjena z "živo" miško. Pri kotaljenju miška v žogi prijetno zacvili.
Dodatne informacije
- Dimenzije: 12 cm premera
2 Mnenja
Donna C.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 03/12/14
My son loved it. So I would recommend to friends and family.
S H.Verified Buyer.
Reviewed on 22/12/13
Feature Highlighted
I was disappointed that this product was not as wiggly and giggly as expected! Had to make a bit of an effort to get the ball to make a noise. Also the packaging the box came in was inappropriate (the box had a picture of a baby on it with the words suitable for 6 months and over on it) Bearing in mind this product is bought from a special needs catalogue which caters for children/adults with special needs I feel that parents/carers do not need to be reminded by the packaging that the product is aimed at a 6 month old baby when buying for somebody whose actual age may be a lot older! Parents/carers are well aware that a product may be aimed at somebody with a younger age than the actual age of the person they are buying for. Maybe Special Needs Toys needs to look at the appropriateness of the packaging. This was bought as a gift for an adult who enjoys this type of sensory toy and had to be removed from the packaging before being given so as not to upset their parents.